Party planning checklist: A step-by-step guide to throwing the most awesome party

Getting ready to host a surprise birthday party, Thanksgiving gathering or Christmas pinata party? No need to stress - event planning is a huge task, but we’ve got your back! Here’s a comprehensive party planning checklist for you so you can put together the coolest party without breaking a sweat!

Step 1: Create a guest list 

First thing first, decide on who you want to invite, as they would determine all later plannings from schedule to theme. 

Is this party for your family, colleagues, or your kids and their little friends from preschool? What’s the approximate number of your guests? What are their preferences and style? 

Step 2: Determine your budget 

At the end of the day, everything comes back to your budget. Whether you’re planning on throwing a mega-luxurious party at the hotel, or a smaller one to invite your friends over for a few drinks, it is always helpful to have a budget plan down.

Determine your budget and list out the approximate cost of each item, so your party won’t go over-budget last minute! 

Step 3: Select a venue, date and time

It would be useful to choose your venue at the early stage of party planning as the venue which you want to book may have limited availability. Check with the venue provider (or other family members if you’re hosting the party at your own home) the date, time and prices. 

Also think about which dates and times would be best for your guests. For example, most people probably won’t be able to make it on the weekdays. If the party is held for young children, it may be best to host it during the day as they may get sleepy in the evening. 

Step 3: Decide on a theme 

One important component, if not the most, is deciding on a central theme for your party. You never want your party to be a bit of everything. What aesthetics or celebrity or cartoon characters do you and your guests like? 

partytime hong kong party decorations party planning

A retro 70s vintage disco party? Or a Disney-themed baby shower for your new-born son? Decide what type of party you’d like to host and book/decorate your venue accordingly.

Don’t know where to start? Partytime’s website is the perfect place to begin! Their website categorizes their products based on colours, making it much easier for shoppers to target their party supplies. Whether it’s a pinkish dolly baby shower party with magical unicorn foil balloons or a silver-and-gold one with a minimalist aesthetic, you can get them all at one click! 

Step 4: Food! 

A party can never be a perfect party without food! Think about what sort of food would fit your theme, as well as your guests’ palette and any of their dietary restrictions.

If your party is a summer cookout, then nothing’s better than some steaks, burger buns and grilled vegetables. If it is an Alice in the Wonderland theme party, then you may want some cute pastries, strawberry shortcakes and British tea to suit the aesthetics! 

Sounds too complicated? No worries, Partytime has got you covered! Partytime provides the perfect food catering service that customize your order according to each guest’s taste bud, delivered straight to your home! 

Step 5: Confirm with guests and providers 

Don’t forget to confirm with your guests before the party! As much as they anticipate your party, guests may be busy sometimes and forget about it (oops!). Always give them a quick phone call or send them a text message to remind them when and where the big day takes place. 

The same applies to service providers. Check that you have ordered everything you need and that it will arrive before the big day.

Step 6: Sit back, relax and ENJOY! 

It can be stressful to plan and coordinate a party all on your own, but it’s finally the big day! Don’t overstress on this and simply enjoy every moment that you spend at the party! Just remember that the most important thing here is for you and your guests to be happy and enjoy the party!

 partytime hong kong party decorations party planning